Work out plan

So on tuesday I went to the gym where I did the standard cross country programme on the bike, which goes up to resistance 18/22! Almost kills me everytime but its worth it when I finish of course. Then I did the hill climb on the cross trainer which starts on a really steep incline then just increases resistance till the end, this is also another death wish.

Anyway me and ellie talked to the gym instructor about a programme and he talked to us about what we needed to do, and he is gonna write it all out for next time which is great. He also said that he is going to try and get warwick sport to sponsor us, which sounds as if it could be quite a bit of money. Plus he is gonna try and get us kitted out in warwick sport gear, and get us on the website. Which will be alot of great promotion that I wasn't expecting.

Also I am now up to £304 quid!!! I know I still have £1900 to raise but £300 is still a good chunk raised :)

Over and out, I have a lab report to write. xx
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